Friday, August 27, 2010

Changing blogs

I'm currently tracking my workouts, diet changes and my healthy new lifestyle on a new blog.

This is a work in progress so bare with me!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

First Week of June - Good Week!

This was a great workout week for me! I ran for 40 minutes 4 mornings this week. I also did light body weight work such as push ups, crunches, bridges, and squats.

I'm transitioning myself from sofa dweller mode back into gym mode. Still working out my schedule, I need to figure out how to fit the gym in between work, summer camp, church and social activities. Working out with weights is going lead me to my fitness goals so it will be done.

I have some accountability partners on Twitter now so I can't slack. Since I'm a natural born people pleaser, I will use that trait to my advantage by giving good reports regarding my fitness activities to my APs.

I deserve an atta-girl for getting up at 5:30 am each morning and getting it done. I felt great all day! Next week I will focus on ending my workout by 6:30 - 6:45 am and leaving for work by 7:45 - 8:00 am. That means I need to be on the t-mill strapped up and ready to roll at 5:30 am. Woo Wee!! I can do it, I know I can. That's my goal for next week.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Janet in Atlanta (AtlantaJJ) on Twitter

Janet in Atlanta (AtlantaJJ) on Twitter: "RT @Politisite: White House Correspondents Dinner – Sykes Strikes the Right #tcot"

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Best Diet for a Toned Body - In a Nutshell

The best diet for a toned fit body with a nicely toned but (my goal) comes from a mix of protein, fat, fiber, vegetables, fruits, nuts and a controlled number of low-glycemic carbs like oatmeal and sweet potatoes. For protein choose grass-fed meats, organic poultry, free range eggs and high quality whey protein because they have the best amino acid profiles and also contain the most muscle building leucine than milk protein or soy protein.

Make sure your diet is very low in sugar (my area for improvement). Sugar and foods that convert very quickly to sugar like white breads, pastas, rice and potatoes, contribute to fat gain, not muscle gain, which is what you don't need if you want smooth celulite free thighs. Lean protein, healthy fat, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains will give your body the nuttients it needs to build and tone your muscles without adding unwanted fat.

I will be making adjustments to my diet over the next couple weeks to meet this goal.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Challenging Year

This year has been full of challenges which I was not quite prepared for...

Its already May and my fitness has totally taken a back seat so far due to my other important priorities. Now I find that I have to work on my time management skills in order to maintain the level of fitness that keeps me happy. It's not going to happy my my sitting and thinking about it, I have to take action. I need to be in prayer about it as well.

Right now I'm maintaining which is better than going backwards, but its not moving forward, making progress.

I need to be more deliberate about my eating. The first change I will make will be with my diet plan. I will also be more accountable with my activities...or lack-there-of.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 1

The holidays got to me. I didn't over eat, and I worked out here and there but I could not stay focused on my fitness and diet the way I planned.

My son had a good Christmas and he is enjoying his time off, so that matters. Today is 1/1/2009, it is time for me to get on track. I'm going to my gym today to remind them of who I am! LOL

I am also going to dust off my food journal, and start using it because that is the only way I find that I can successfully change my diet and stay consistent.

Happy New Year, Happy New Me!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Key To My Success

I realize the key to my success for this challenge and for my on going fitness in general is going to be planning. A failure to plan is a plan to fail.

I will be dusting off my Clean Eating Book and attempt some meal planning this week. I intended to do that this weekend but I ended up nursing a very bad headache instead...

I think the Good Lord wanted me to slow down for a minute and do an assessment of my situation rather than I plow into it without a plan.